Park City, UT
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Water Wise Landscaping Resources
The simplest and most economical way to save water is to let the land stay natural and native. Allowing the existing ecosystem to flourish provides the healthiest yard. A new tree takes more water to grow than an old tree with deep roots. If you prefer to re-landscape your yard, use the resources below to find out what kind of non-invasive, drought tolerant vegetation to select and where to plant, ways to save water to help your yard flourish, and how to conserve water.
1 - Planning And Design
The first step to a successful Water Wise landscape is to have a plan. Important elements to consider include:
Site Analysis – Soils, Climate, Topography, Drainage, Existing Vegetation, Views, Utilities Landscape Goals & Objectives - Outdoor Activities, Service Needs, Landscape Style
How to Plant a Tree - TreeUtah
Principles of Water Wise Landscaping
Protector of Urban Pollinators
Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper
Tree Browser - Utah State University
Xeriscaping: Creative Landscaping - Colorado State University
2 - Soil Analysis
Soils will vary from site to site. Find out if soils are primarily clay, silt, or sand. Determine soil water-holding capacity. Soil analysis may affect irrigation scheduling. Soils may be improved if needed with organic matter to enhance drainage and moisture retention. Check Park City's Soils Ordinance Boundary for additional requirements.
Graywater System Permitting Information - Summit County
Greywater Design Manual - San Francisco
3 - Appropriate Plant Selection & Hydrozoning the Landscape
Use healthy, well adapted plants and zone the landscape by grouping plants together according to their water requirements. It is important to place the right plant in the right place. Avoid planting a high water-use plant next to a low water-use plant. Many beautiful trees, shrubs, perennials, and groundcovers are available for use in a water-wise landscape.
Park City Approved Water Wise Plant List
Salt Lake Plant List & Hydrozone Schedule
Water Wise Plant Finder - Colorado Springs Utilities
Water-Wise Plants for Utah Landscapes
Water Wise Plant Search - Conservation Garden Park
Xeriscaping Information - Red Butte Garden
Xeriscaping: Trees and Shrubs - Colorado State University
UNPS Native Plant and Seed Sources
4 - Practical Lawn/Turf Areas
Plant turf in areas of manageable sizes and shapes. Limit turf to areas where it provides a functional benefit. Select appropriate turf varieties for your site. Excess turf may be replaced with a variety of other low water-use plants.
Park City's Landscaping Incentive Program
Park City Water Impact Fee Refund Request for New Construction
Selecting Turf Options - Colorado State University
Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance - Qualified Cultivars
5 - Efficient Irrigation
Irrigate efficiently – not excessively. Use properly designed systems and apply the right amount of water at the right time. Irrigate turf areas separately from other plantings. Do not rely solely on an automatic irrigation timer. Water efficiently and only when needed.
Areas using Park City water will be restricted to every other day from May 1 to September 30. Outside watering at even-numbered street addresses shall be limited to even-numbered days of the month and outside watering at odd-numbered addresses shall be limited to odd-numbered days of the month. Hours of outside watering shall be restricted to between 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 a.m.
Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping
EPA WaterSense Labeled Controllers
Millcreek Gardens Water Wise Plant Watering Recommendations
Rainwater Harvesting Information
Rainwater Harvesting Registration
Utah Rivers Council RainHarvest
Utah Division Of Water Resources
6 - Mulching
Use mulches in tree, shrub and perennial borders to conserve soil moisture. Mulch applied at the right depth will reduce weed growth and slow erosion. A gravel mulch works best in the very low and low water-use zones. Organic mulch such as bark will work well in moderate water-use zones.
Water Wise Landscaping/ Xeriscaping - Colorado State University
Mulches for Home Grounds - Colorado State University
7 - Appropriate Maintenance
Water-wise landscaping will reduce maintenance, not eliminate it. Low water-use landscapes are simply maintained differently than the average lawn. Maintain the landscape by pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, mowing, and deadheading properly.
Noxious Weed List - State of Utah
Noxious Weed ID - Summit County
Park City Library Sustainability Resource Center**
**Gardening tools and additional resources are available for landscaping.